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Service:Trigger Point add another, change

Trigger points are described as hyper-irritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibers. It is called a trigger point because it "triggers" a painful response. Compression of a Trigger point at the most tender spot produces aching or a local twitch response at other predictable locations of the body away from the point. This is called referred pain, and it can be a very annoying and perplexing problem.

Trigger points are small, localized muscle cramps with a variety of causes, most notably excessive loads, direct trauma, or repetitive or prolonged muscle contractions. The therapist will locate and deactivate them using direct finger pressure. It will probably be uncomfortable so make sure to communicate with the therapist during the session. It took a while to get the muscle in that condition, and it will likely take multiple sessions to get rid of it. 

Massage Therapist:
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